在整个2020-2021学年,圣. 365比分网电竞 joins with the entire Holy Cross family in celebration of the 200th anniversary of 圣修会. 约瑟夫和他们的创始人, 雅克·弗朗索瓦·杜雅里奥神父, who laid the foundation for the Holy Cross educational mission that we are blessed with at St. 爱德华的.

圣十字教会多年来不断壮大, 今天在教区服务和服务, 向穷人和边缘人群提供社会服务, 促进天主教教育, 其中包括128所学校, 18个国家的学院和大学. 虽然这是巴兹尔·莫罗的功劳, 谁在2007年被教皇本笃十六世册封为真福, his success was shaped by the vision and efforts of his predecessor, 勇敢的传教士, Jacques dujari神父.


Dujarié was studying to become a priest when the 法国 Revolution began in 1789. In a year in which our nation and world are witnessing firsthand the ravages of a global pandemic, 种族歧视, 社会经济差距, 战争, 饥荒, 毁灭性的自然灾害, 以及我们国家的政治和意识形态分歧, imagine what the 战争-torn country of 法国 was like in the late-18th and early 19th-centuries. 对法国人来说,这是一个极度混乱和恐怖的黑暗时期. 尽管教会在法国是一股强大的力量, the revolutionary urge to obliterate old systems of property ownership and authority nearly destroyed it. 教堂财产被没收,学校被关闭. 神职人员和宗教领袖被流放或处决, 有一段时间, 基督教信仰被禁止. 甚至教皇也被监禁.



It was during this time that Dujarié was secretly ordained to the priesthood and began celebrating Mass as part of the “underground” church. 不停地移动, 与家人一起躲藏, 睡在地窖和谷仓里, 织布工, 把自己伪装成卖柠檬水的, he protected his identity while still arranging to communicate with and respond to those who needed sacramental and pastoral services. Joel Giallanza修士, CSC, 写 that Dujarié’s “consideration of and formation for the priesthood developed during the darkest moments of the 法国 Revolution when losing one’s head by the guillotine was a real and regular possibility.”* 


Following the Concordat between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII in 1801, some level of normalcy returned to life in 法国 after so many years of turbulence. However, the social and ecclesial landscape remained desolate. From his travels during the Revolution and after being appointed by the Bishop as the pastor of St. 卢瓦尔河畔鲁伊尔的彼得教堂, dujari亲眼目睹了这个教区, 牧区和教育需要的人. 应对这种情况, 1806年,他召集了一群妇女, 今天被称为普罗维登斯姐妹会, 1820年,一群年轻人, 圣修会. 约瑟夫, to provide Catholic education as a source of regeneration of the Church and society.


In 1835, 经过多年的旅行,他承认自己的虚弱, 睡在谷仓里, 在农村传教, Father Dujarié felt it was time to hand over the leadership of 圣修会. 约瑟夫与一位与他有共同愿景的行政领导. 1837年,杜雅里奥和圣. 约瑟夫 signed a document with the Auxiliary Priests of the Diocese of Le Mans, 法国, and were put under the direction of Father Basil-Anthony Moreau. 被称为"联邦基本法案,” this served as the stepping-stone to the eventual joining of the two societies who gathered in the town of Sainte-Croix (Holy Cross), 因此得名圣十字会. 巴兹尔·莫罗受过良好教育,热情且人脉广. His keen administrative skills and charisma made him the right person to continue the legacy established by his friend and mentor, Jacques dujari神父.

Father Moreau and 父亲Dujarie painted by Brothers James Shyamol


Although there remain relatively few written accounts concerning the many important contributions made by Father Dujarié, enough has been preserved to form an opinion of his remarkable personality and character. These characteristics continue to be reflected in the work and ministry of the Brothers of Holy Cross and throughout the educational institutions they administer and sponsor.  

First and foremost, Father Dujarié was a man with a servant’s heart, much like that of St. 约瑟夫. 圣约瑟修士, CSC, 写, “His charity was so deeply rooted that it spilled out into everything he said and did. … His kindness was immediately apparent to anyone who met him, whether friend or foe.”**

“作为祭司,我要尽力安慰寡妇, 孤儿之父, 穷人的支持和苦难的朋友.”


Dujarié was also a man of courage, patience and justice — and tireless action. He saw the ravages of ignorance and irreligion, and he set out to make a difference. He believed that God’s purpose for him and 圣修会. 约瑟夫 would be fulfilled through their teaching by humble example and their trust in Divine Providence.

在圣. 彼得教堂,dujari在那里担任牧师, 一块牌匾纪念他的英勇领导, which concludes with the one-sentence biblical summary of his life and work, 他四处行善.” Such a simple sentence for such extensive accomplishments (Giallanza, 2017).



回顾200年的历史, continuance and growth of the family of Holy Cross — brothers, 牧师, 姐妹, and lay educators — it is vital to pay tribute to the life of Jacques Dujarié, a simple country priest deeply devoted to moving mountains of ignorance and suffering through education and service. 他的遗产确实令人印象深刻, and it offers a unique insight into the power of perseverance and faith. 

During 2021, please join the Brothers of Holy Cross and the faculty, staff, alumni and friends of St. 爱德华大学,我们将继续 庆祝他们的贡献 made by Father Dujarié and the early men of Holy Cross, the Brothers of 约瑟夫. St. 爱德华的 is dedicated to continuing their legacy for the next 200 years and beyond.

by Marco Clark, Executive Director of the Holy Cross Institute

* He Went About Doing Good (2017), Joel Giallanza修士, CSC 
** The Life and Times of Jacques-Francois Dujarié (1987), 圣约瑟修士, CSC